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Huckleberries: County office e-mail indiscretions fire up Berry Pickers

Those raw e-mails that were circulated between the Kootenai County prosecutor’s and Sheriff’s offices received a poor reception at Huckleberries Online. Several Berry Pickers wanted Prosecutor Bill Douglas to resign pronto. “The prosecutor’s department is too broken to be fixed without a change of leadership,” said Spectator. Douglas and Sheriff Rocky Watson were blamed for not knowing that underlings were receiving and/or forwarding e-mails containing porn, bestiality and at least one naked toddler. “The buck stops somewhere,” weighed in CDA Mom, “and they were the respective bosses.” Almost 100 comments were posted at Huckleberries Central about the blockbuster story by SReporters Taryn Brodwater and Erica Curless. They included:

“”What in the hell were these people thinking? Why in the hell are we paying them? Being fired isn’t enough. Criminal charges should be filed. I’m nauseous.” – Jane Q. Citizen

“”If there is something going on, 98% of the other workers know. And the head person would get a whiff of it, too. Mr. Douglas may have not known the depth of the problem, but he surely should have had some vibes from it.” – Cis

“”I’m not buying the notion that it’s impossible to monitor employees’ e-mails. That’s pish-posh.” – OrangeTV

“”If Bill Douglas doesn’t resign by the end of the day, it will be a sign that he holds the people of Kootenai County in sheer contempt.” – James Bond

“”We had the (child molester/killer Joseph) Duncan plea deal first and then the allegations against (Deputy Prosecutor Rick Baughman) came out. It sure would have looked bad if the allegations against Rick and his e-mails (and pics of naked toddlers) became public right when he (was) handling the testimony of Shasta Groene.” – MamaJD

“”What is with people using their company computers to view and exchange this filth? It’s totally detestable but even more stupid. I’m not a law expert, but could child pornography charges be brought into this?” – JimmyMAC

“”I’m trying to raise my children to obey the laws of our land, to respect other people, and to make good decisions in life. And here we have the very leaders of our county revealing that they do not have to obey the law, that they do not have to respect others, and that it’s okay to make bad decision if they can get away with it.” – Family Phil

“”We will have to clean up the adults who are within the judicial system in order to protect the children.” – Stebbijo

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