Post Falls officials to explain $11 million school bond levy
Post Falls School District will explain its upcoming $11 million bond levy election at a public forum Tuesday.
Officials will go over the need for it (growth and crowding) and its components (a new elementary school, additions to the high school, remodel of the transportation facility, buying land for future schools).
The bond needs two-thirds of the vote on May 16 to pass.
Homeowners would end up paying $1.92 per $1,000 of assessed value, which is less than the $2.09 per $1,000 they’re paying now because the tax base has grown so the financial burden is shared among more people. Currently the district is paying off the high school, River City Middle School and Prairie View Elementary School.
The forum will be in the cafeteria at Seltice Elementary School, 1100 N. Chase Road, starting at 6:30 p.m.
For more information, call the district at (208) 773-1658.