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V8 V-Fusions get mixed reviews

With a new drink from V8, you could have your recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables all wrapped up by lunch.

The juice maker’s latest concoction, V-Fusion, promises a serving of vegetables and a serving of fruit in each 8-ounce glass. The drinks are 100 percent juice and have no added sugar.

The Spokesman-Review reader food panel members were mixed on the drinks. The color of the drinks was so bright many expected an ultrasweet flavor. The Tropical Orange drink fared best, with three and a half stars. The Peach Mango and Strawberry Banana each scored three stars out of five with the panel.

“Fruit juice on steroids!” said Tina Johnson. “Good tang and not too sweet, it seems like a hearty alternative to (orange juice).”

Larry Inman was not interested. “(It’s) the best of the three but not something I would buy.”

Panel members were surprised to find out what kind of vegetable juices gave the drinks their neon colors. The Peach Mango drink includes yellow carrot, yellow tomato, sweet potato, grape, orange, and peach juice, along with mango puree. The Tropical Orange is blended orange, grape and pineapple juice along with carrot, sweet potato and yellow tomato. And the Strawberry Banana includes sweet potato, carrot, tomato and beet juice, along with the grape, orange, apple, strawberry and banana concentrate.

“Tasty blend of oranges, pineapple and sweet potato!” Andy Hoye wrote of the Tropical Orange. And when he found out what was in the Strawberry Banana drink, he said, “Strawberries and beets? Yikes! But not bad.”

Marilyn Moore liked the “colorful, reusable” containers. She enjoyed the Peach Mango flavor best. “I must have been thirsty. (I) guzzled it right down. The grapefruit tartness makes it so good.”

But others said the Peach Mango had an off-putting flavor. “This has a very strong vitamin aftertaste,” Johnson said.

When Skip Hubbard first tasted the Strawberry Banana flavor, he was going to give it one star for flavor, but by the time he was done drinking, he gave it three.

“It grows on you,” he said.

Peggy Kazanis was thinking about the antioxidants in the drink when she looked at it. “The deep red color means it has to be good for you. I could drink this all day.”

V8 V-Fusion Tropical Orange

Price: $3.99 for 46 fluid ounces

Nutrition per serving: 120 calories, no fat, 1 gram protein, 28 grams carbohydrate, no cholesterol, no dietary fiber, 80 milligrams sodium.

Taste: • • • 1/2

Value: • • •

Comments: “Nicely sweet and tart at the same time. The flavors go together well and it’s not too thick either. Well done.” – Skip Hubbard

“This would be pretty good with a nice breakfast. Surprisingly, not bad at all.” – Matt Quesnell

“Pineapple, for sure, not sure what else, but it’s good. And it’s a bright enough orange to wake you up.” – Donald Clegg

V8 V-Fusion Peach Mango

Price: $3.99 for 46 fluid ounces

Nutrition per serving: 120 calories, no fat, 1 gram protein, 28 grams carbohydrate, no cholesterol, no dietary fiber, 70 milligrams sodium.

Taste: • • •

Value: • • •

Comments: “Eww! This has a very strong vitamin aftertaste.” – Tina Johnson

“Certainly not a favorite, but if peach is your thing, give ‘er a try.” – Skip Hubbard

“If you can get by the smell, the taste is so-so at best.” – Larry Inman

V8 V-Fusion Strawberry Banana

Price: $3.99 for 46 fluid ounces

Nutrition per serving: 120 calories, no fat, 1 gram protein, 28 grams carbohydrate, no cholesterol, no dietary fiber, 70 milligrams sodium.

Taste: • • •

Value: • • •

Comments: “Probably my favorite of the V8’s, and I never thought I’d be a V8 fan. I actually can recommend it.” — Matt Quesnell

“Unusual, but very good. No aftertaste; very refreshing. A nice summer drink.” – Nancy Robinson

“Way too sweet for me and too thick.” – Marcia Oranen