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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Our view: Salute for good work

The Spokesman-Review

Maybe it’s because of those ubiquitous TV shows or the public nature of the job, but police work is one of those jobs that draw a lot of criticism and little praise. Many people – yes, even some editorial writers – think they know how to do the job better.

No doubt, the recent spate of negative news about law enforcement officers feeds this phenomenon.

The editorial board and the public have had plenty to say recently about the investigation into the firehouse sex scandal, the search warrants issued after the death of the developmentally disabled man and the fake chase by Spokane County deputies.

Those actions make headlines because they are atypical. They should not cloud the good work done daily by those who are hired to protect and serve.

The Spokane Police Department honored acts of bravery, compassion and productivity last week. The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office did the same in October.

Among those given awards for exemplary public service were:

“Spokane police Officer Kevin Keller, who scrambled down a steep embankment off High Drive to rescue a motorist and protect trail hikers from the sliding vehicle.

“Officer Brad Moon, who was named the top employee for 2005 for helping develop municipal regulations for commercial vehicles and creating an enforcement unit.

“Detective Randy Lesser, who was instrumental in safely resolving an incident at a high school in which officers were being threatened by a gunman.

“Spokane County Deputies David Ellis and Darrell Stidham, who rescued a woman from the Spokane River.

“County Detective Bryan Miller, who disrupted major illegal drug operations.

“Deputy Daniel Middlebos, who opened an airway for a teenager involved in an auto accident.

“Deputies Glenn Hinckley, Walter Loucks and James Reed, who saved a suicidal pregnant woman.

That’s just a small sampling of the actions the public should respect and appreciate.