Crisis nursery helps children at risk for abuse
Name of the program: Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery
What it does: A respite facility for children who are at risk of abuse or neglect.
Who runs it: A nonprofit agency solely supported by the Greater Spokane community. In 1982, Vanessa Behan died after authorities said she was hit by her stepfather, who was acquitted of manslaughter charges. Bill Bailkowsky, a concerned South Hill resident, founded the nonprofit agency in 1983. Volunteers raised the money to buy an old mansion at 1004 E. Eighth Ave. and opened the nursery in 1987. Bailkowsky remains the voice of the agency.
How to get help: Call 535-3155. The nursery is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Typical client: The Web site,, gives examples of recent families the nursery has helped. Here’s an excerpt:
“Cody, 3, and Angela, 14 months. Mom is clinically diagnosed as suffering depression and bronchitis. Dad of one of the children is in jail, and it looks like mom is going to have to testify against him (they are not married). Mom also just found out that her “best friend” and housemate has been sleeping with “dad.” She is devastated and is in no condition to provide care for her children while she confronts the housemate with her knowledge. Our family resource specialists were able to counsel her on the best way to confront the girlfriend, and we are able to shield the children from what will surely be a very emotional situation.”
How to give help: Call 535-3155. The business office is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. The center operates solely through donations. A list of needed volunteers and supplies is at