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Plenty on menu for Japan Week

Teriyaki? Yep. Sushi? Sure. Sukiyaki? Uh, OK. Onigiri? Huh?

If you haven’t brushed up on Japanese cuisine lately, the offerings at this year’s Japan Week celebration may have you turning to Wikipedia for help.

The festivities include dozens of activities, from origami, martial arts, art displays, to music, demonstrations, films, exhibits and (my favorite part) food. Here’s the lineup of Japanese food specialties:

• Start with Saturday’s chicken teriyaki box lunch sale at the Spokane Buddhist Temple, 927 S. Perry St. The take-out only lunch is $8.50 and it’s served from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The number for advance reservations is 570-6876.

• For a bite from other places around the world try The Gonzaga University International Student Dinner Saturday at 6. The meal will feature special international dishes along with entertainment and displays. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. More details are available if you call 994-3330.

• Learn the graceful art of Japanese tea, or chakai, at the Kusaka Library at Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute, 4000 W. Randolph Road, on Monday. The demonstrations will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. Call 328-2971 for more details.

• On Tuesday, yakisoba and sushi will be sold at the Spokane Falls Community College SUB, 3410 Fort George Wright Drive, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

• Next Wednesday, there will be a screening of Tampopo, one of Spokesman-Review movie critic Dan Webster’s favorite food movies at CenterStage. (See today’s story on this page for more details about the film.) The event begins at 7 p.m. and tickets are $5. Food will be available for purchase. Call 747-7078.

• If that’s not enough there will be a Japanese food court during Expo Japan at Gonzaga University from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on April 27. At Japan Fest on April 29 at the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, kids will have the opportunity to taste onigiri, or rice balls.

• Even if you miss everything else, don’t forget about the Highland Park United Methodist Church Sukiyaki Dinner also on April 29 from noon to 7 p.m. (Sukiyaki traditionally includes thinly sliced beef, tofu and noodles.) There is also a sushi bar and senbei (rice cracker) sale. The sukiyaki dinner is $11 at the church at 611 S. Garfield St. Call 535-2687 for details.

For more information about Japan Week events go to: