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The Slice: Right turns all started by landlords
I‘ve figured out why there are so many conservatives around here.
For decades, the cost of houses in this area was relatively low. So lots of people, Air Force retirees and others, wound up buying rental property.
And the experience of being landlords turned countless moderates and independents into raging right-wingers.
Of course, other factors might have helped shape their attitudes about welfare, the death penalty, et cetera. But I’m guessing that being landlords cinched it.
“Tuesday quiz: What locally themed country song begins “I don’t know what I’m doing here”?
“Slice salute to short attention spans: Imagine how exciting all that Katie Couric coverage was for those of us who watch neither NBC’s “Today” show or “The CBS Evening News.”
When they ask “Did you find everything?” at the under-renovation Rosauers on 29th Avenue, they mean it.
How much of your life have you spent waiting for complicated coffee drinks?
Are those who know how to correctly pronounce some basic foreign phrases regarded as snobs here?
The current Inlander includes one of the free weekly’s all-time dumbest criticisms of the S-R.
One reader’s tip for other women wandering aimlessly in huge stores: “Don’t bend over and lean your elbows on the shopping-cart handle, as it makes your butt look about twice as big.”
How many people remember when downtown department stores closed at 5:40?
If you were named Wedding Receptions Czar, what Rule No. 1 would you impose?
What went wrong with your wedding invitations?
What inanimate object is your cat obsessed with biting?
The new season for HBO’s “Deadwood” starts June 11.
What’s it like having your name?
Minnesota isn’t really “Back East.”
When did Take Our Daughters to Work Day jump the shark?
Are clothing sizes for females some sort of coded conspiracy?
I love documentaries on defunct sports leagues.
A reader named Ann wonders: “How many owners of pit bulls have high school diplomas?”
Who has amassed the most points on an AMC movie card?
When you bend over to drink from a water fountain, do you suspect that you attract an audience?
Surely thumb dexterity has increased as a result of cell phones.
The standard cure for refrigerator envy involves debt.
You might be appalled to discover what’s in your personnel file.
How many people in white collar jobs understand the subtleties of excellence in even one blue-collar occupation?
“Today’s Slice question: What music was playing during an especially memorable moment in your life?