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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Lottery numbers

The Spokesman-Review

Thursday’s Washington Daily Game: 4-7-9.

Thurs. Keno: 1-9-21-26-30-31-36-40-42- 46-51-55-60-64-66-68-69-72-73-76.

Today in history

1066: William the Conqueror defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings.

1912: Theodore Roosevelt, campaigning for the presidency, was shot in the chest.

1944: German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel committed suicide rather than face execution for conspiring against Adolf Hitler.

1947: Air Force test pilot Charles E. (“Chuck”) Yeager broke the sound barrier as he flew the Bell X-1 rocket plane.

1960: John F. Kennedy first suggested idea of a Peace Corps.

1964: Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize.

1987: A real-life drama began in Midland, Texas, as 18-month-old Jessica McClure slid 22 feet down an abandoned well. (Hundreds worked 58 hours to free her.)