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Joe Frogger a crispy, chewy holiday cookie

A reader asked via The Spokesman-Review Web site for the Joe Frogger Cookies recipe. These ginger-nutmeg flavored cookies appeared several times in leaflets produced by The Spokesman-Review’s Dorothy Dean department. The recipe makes a crisp yet chewy cookie with a distinct holiday flavor.

Joe Frogger Cookies

From Dorothy Dean Homemaker Services

7 cups sifted flour

1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon ginger

1 teaspoon cloves

1 teaspoon nutmeg

½ teaspoon allspice

¾ cup water

¼ cup rum, optional

2 teaspoons baking soda

2 cups dark molasses

1 cup shortening

2 cups sugar

Sift flour, salt, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and allspice. Combine water with rum (if desired, omit rum and increase water to 1 cup). Add baking soda to molasses. Cream shortening and sugar. Add half the sifted dry ingredients and the water mixture to the creamed mixture; blend well. Add remaining dry ingredients and molasses mixture; beat until well mixed. Refrigerate dough several hours or overnight. Roll out on floured board to ¼-inch thickness; cut into rounds with a 4-inch cookie cutter. Place on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes just until lightly browned. Remove from oven; let stand a few minutes before removing from cookie sheet to prevent breaking.

Yield: About 4 dozen