Idaho calendar
“Travelers and Musicians” – Bhutan film, 7:30 p.m., Panida Theater, Sandpoint; $6 adults, $5 seniors and students; 263-9191.
Mother’s Day Sale and Celebration – 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Mother’s Haven, 1034 N. Third St., Suite 2, Coeur d’Alene; fund-raiser for Share Hope group for bereaved parents; 676-1300.
University of Idaho Jazz Band and Jazz Choirs – 7:30 p.m., at the Lionel Hampton School of Music Recital Hall; tickets available at the door, $5 adults, $3 all others; information, 885-6231.
Greater Palouse Youth Orchestra Concert – 7:30 p.m., University of Idaho Lionel Hampton School of Music Recital Hall; 885-6231.
Dylan Dean Generosity Run-n-Ride GRRRR Day – Deadline for early registration of $35 is today; event takes place May 15, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Gene Day Park, Osburn; (509) 466-1330.
Moscow Farmers Market – Season opener will be, 8 a.m.-noon, Jackson Street public parking lot off Friendship Square; 883-7036.
Dirne Community Health Fair – 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Dirne Community Health Center, 920 Ironwood Drive; offering free health and risk screenings, health insurance; 666-3742.
First Baptist Church Youth Car Wash Fund-raiser – 1-4 p.m., Ace Hardware Store, Sherman Avenue; donations will go toward group trip to Summer Ross Point Baptist Camp in Post Falls; 667-5429.
Kootenai County Farmers Market – Season opener, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., U.S. Highway 95 and Prairie Ave.; live entertainment, Ruby Devine; contact Cathy at 667-0151.
Cinco De Mayo at Silverwood – 11 a.m.-6 p.m., U.S. Highway 95 near Athol; 683-3400.
City of Moscow Spring Auction – 9 a.m., Latah County Fair Building, 1021 Harold St.; 883-7054.
Northwest Modified Series Auto Racing – 6 p.m., Stateline Speedway and Stadium Post Falls; early stocks and hobby cars; 773-5019.
North Idaho College Booster Club Spring Auction and Athletic Awards Banquet – 5:30 p.m., Eagles Lodge, 209 E. Sherman Ave.
Coeur d’Alene Symphony’s Season Finale – 7:30 p.m., North Idaho College Schuler Auditorium; featuring violinist Rachel Barton; $12 adults, $10 seniors, $5 students; 765-3833.
Lake City Playhouse 2005-06 season tickets – $70 adults, $65 seniors, $65 students and $40 for children; 667-1323.
Post Falls Christian Academy’s Senior Class – fund-raiser garage sale, 7 a.m.-3 p.m., 6063 N. Fourth St., Coeur d’Alene; to donate, call Dianne, 772-6603.
Potlatch Art Exhibit – “Illustrated Works of Edward and Nancy Kienholz” exhibit continues through Thursday at the Potlatch Library. Gallery hours, 3-7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fridays; 875-1643.