America’s Kids Run – This event, formerly Junior Bloomsday, is having its annual volunteer meeting April 18 in room 334 of the Ag Trade Center. For information and times, call Mike Erwert at 220-0145.
BrailleInk, Spokane – Volunteers are needed to act as community liaisons at schools and libraries for this organization that provides books to the blind or visually impaired and educates the sighted. Orientation will be provided. For information, call Bruce at (800) 324-2919 or e-mail bcurtis@brailleink.org.
Catholic Charities St. Margaret’s Shelter – Volunteers are needed as play supervisors, Monday through Thursday evenings to work with children up to age 11. You must be at least 16. For information, call Sue at 624-9788 or e-mail snelson@dioceseofspokane.org.
Habitat for Humanity Surplus Store – Front-line representatives are needed to greet donors and customers, evaluate donated materials and stock and place items. Light lifting is required, and a basic knowledge of construction is a bonus. For information, call Farah at 535-9517 or e-mail hsbss2@dc4pc.net.
SIDS Foundation of Washington – Volunteers are needed for events, statewide advocacy, research, board of trustees, clerical help, community fairs and special projects. For information, call Laura at 456-0505 or e-mail ewbosids@sidsofwa.org.
Spokane Public Schools – Ready Corps VISTA members need volunteers to assist them with after-school safety clubs to increase disaster preparedness. Training is provided. For information, call Maureen at 354-5005 or e-mail marueenn@spokaneschools.org.
Thin Air Community Radio – Volunteers are needed for development, fund-raising, special events, office help, radio programmers and underwriting coordinators. For information, call Kristy at 456-4961 or e-mail kirstynhazel@netzero.net.