Two more businesses moving into Riverstone

The first announced restaurant for the Riverstone development in Coeur d’Alene will be a San Francisco Sourdough sandwich store.
To be located near the 14-screen cinema complex, the 1,400-square-foot eatery will have indoor and outdoor seating and take-out. Franchise owner George Kennedy said special breads, low-fat meats and flavorful dressings provide the success for the store, which should open in mid-June. His 10 employees also will sell sodas, chips and possibly ice cream and pie. Hours will be 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon-6 p.m. Sundays.
Originally from West Hills, Calif., Kennedy graduated from Cal State Northridge and was a helicopter pilot for 15 years with the Navy and Marine Corps. He discovered North Idaho in 1996 while driving through to the Whidbey Island (Wash.) Naval Air Station.
Kennedy anticipates starting Sourdough stores in Hayden, Post Falls and possibly Moscow and Sandpoint. He’s open to ideas for new locations; call 641-0990.
The first San Francisco Sourdough store was started by Robert and Maricela Lenhart on Sherman Avenue in Coeur d’Alene in 1999. They wanted to leave the California traffic and chose between Hawaii and Coeur d’Alene. They’ve sold franchises to their store in Liberty Lake and Meridian, Idaho.
Home Health also in Riverstone
Another business finding a home in Riverstone is North Idaho Home Health, which will move in August from its six-year home in the upper level of Harbor Plaza on Northwest Boulevard.
The company’s 20 employees provide home health care, nursing services and therapy. Trudy Elliott is director of patient care for the 26-year-old company owned by Realtors Jack Beebe and Rich McKernan.
Home Health will occupy 1,800 square feet, while the rest of the building will house its owners’ realty firm. Construction is by Shelter Associates.
AutoZone store rising fast
Calls asking “What’s going up north of the liquor store?” at Government Way and Appleway were common this week. The 7,000-square-foot concrete block building will be an AutoZone auto parts store that should open in May.
Billing itself as the nation’s “leading retailer of auto parts and accessories,” AutoZone has more than 3,500 stores in the United States and Mexico. Formerly named Auto Shack, it uses electronic catalogs, a satellite search system and its Web site of to help its sales. The company began in 1979 in Forrest City, Ark., and its headquarters is in Memphis.
Post Falls podiatrist on Polston
Dr. Bryan Thompson opened Inland Northwest Foot & Ankle offices last week at 1590 E. Polston Ave., Suite A, Post Falls. He and two employees have 2,711 square feet of space next to Summit Rehabilitation.
Originally from Salt Lake City, Thompson graduated from Brigham Young University and the California College of Podiatric Medicine. He came to North Idaho after his residency in Seattle. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Phone: 777-9794.
Paul’s Country Store/Deli opens
With specialty sandwiches, German sausages and a wine grotto as its mainstays, Paul’s Country Store Classic Deli has opened at Prairie Avenue and Fourth Street. Customers may take out or eat in both the store and the wine grotto, which is managed by Sam Lange, who was wine steward in Beverly’s at The Coeur d’Alene Resort for 17 years.
Store owners are Hans and Linda Paul. Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and until 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. It’s closed Sundays. Phone: 762-8544.