If careful, hot tub poses no threat

Dear Dr. Gott: A nuclear physicist told me that hot tubs are dangerous because the “heating increases the velocity of the molecules” and can lead to high blood pressure.
However, I look forward to my occasional hot tub experience, find it relaxing, but don’t want to do myself harm. Advise, please!
Dear Reader: In my experience, the judicious use of hot tubs does not carry any serious health risks, providing the water is not too hot (over 100 Fahrenheit) and the practice isn’t done too often.
Because you do not list any details about your general health, I advise you to share your concerns with your primary care physician. He or she is more familiar with your medical history and any potential problems that might be related to hot tub exposure.
Dear Dr. Gott: I am a 66-year-old woman. My hair is thin, my skin is dry, I’m overweight and I am cold most of the time. In other words, I am a classic example of someone with an underactive thyroid gland.
However, my thyroid blood tests are well in the normal range. My doctor is convinced that hypothyroidism is not my problem, but I don’t agree. Would any over-the-counter vitamin/mineral combination jump-start my metabolism?
Dear Reader: Given your normal thyroid tests, I’d have to say “no.” Moreover, I’m not aware of any metabolic stimulant that would help you.
Perhaps you could be better served if you sensibly addressed each of your concerns: Use a moisturizing shampoo, apply skin cream twice daily, lose some weight and dress warmly. Try this approach and let me know how you fare.
To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Losing Weight” which includes my “no flour, no sugar” diet. Other readers who would like a copy should send a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope and $2 to Newsletter, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.
Dear Dr. Gott: My husband, 66, recently began experiencing cycles of hot flashes and sweating that last several minutes and can occur at any time of the day or night. His doctor is stumped. Do other men have this problem?
Dear Reader: Alas, yes. I believe your husband is suffering from a hormone abnormality called “male menopause,” a common and annoying condition that often affects men as they age. With time, his symptoms should resolve.
His doctor might consider obtaining a blood testosterone level that could well reflect the hormone imbalance and would help the doctor be less stumped in managing the next patient with hot flashes and sweats.