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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

County says it will choose a single logo

Spokane County workers call one of the county’s logos “Disneyland.”

It features a picture of the courthouse tower emerging from a semi-circle rising sun and looks like Cinderella’s castle.

But if county department heads don’t like that logo, there are plenty of others to choose from.

County Communications Director Ron Kole urged county commissioners Tuesday to brand the county by adopting a uniform logo, and to encourage other county elected officials to use the same logo.

Kole illustrated the current lack of continuity by holding up several display boards covered with county business cards and letterhead featuring different designs – a big badge for the Sheriff’s Department, a formal take on the courthouse for the commissioners, animal control’s cuddly kitty and puppy logo, plus many others.

The consensus among the commissioners was that the county should adopt the formal courthouse drawing as its standard. The concept will be presented at the county’s next department head meeting for feedback.

Two things are certain: It will take some time to whittle down the pile of logos, and the county won’t have a contest to pick a new one.

Commissioners made it clear they don’t want departments to waste the letterhead and business cards they already have, so any switchover would be a gradual process.

As for a contest, County CEO Marshall Farnell reminded the commissioners about the county’s previous ill-fated flag contest.

The county flag – a multi-colored design featuring a Native American’s profile, was declared garish by county officials, and has since been hidden away.

“We don’t want to go there,” said Commissioner Phil Harris.