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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Get in touch with your humble roots

Sharon Maasdam Newhouse News Service

Turnips, rutabagas and parsnips may not be at the top of the vegetable popularity list, but they are rich in flavor, nutritious and worth a try.

These root vegetables are available year-round, but winter is their peak season and they store well.


Turnips are round and creamy white. Some have reddish rings around the crown of the root; other varieties are purple. They have a peppery and slightly sweet flavor.

They vary in size and shape. Look for small turnips that feel heavy for their size and are smooth, firm and free of blemishes. Turnips are most tasty if they’re 3 inches or less in diameter; larger ones can be woody and more pungent.

Turnips are normally peeled before use, but if they’re small and young with thin skins, treat them like potatoes and roast them unpeeled after a good scrub. They can be eaten raw as a crudite or grated with a vinaigrette for a salad. Quarter them and roast, steam or boil, then mash. Season with garlic, parsley and dill.

Store them in perforated plastic bags in the refrigerator and they’ll last two to three weeks.


Rutabagas are similar to turnips. They have firm, yellow-orange flesh. They’re denser and sweeter than turnips and contain less moisture.

Purchase those with a smooth skin and solid feel. Smaller ones are usually the sweetest. Scrub well under cold running water, then remove the skin with a vegetable peeler.

Season rutabagas as you would sweet potatoes, with nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, allspice or mace. Try roasting, baking or steaming to bring out the sweet, peppery flavor. Try them mashed with a touch of butter and one of the above spices. They’re also good simmered in soups or stews.

Store them in perforated plastic bags in the refrigerator and they’ll last two to three weeks.


This vegetable resembles a slightly irregular, pale version of a carrot. They range from white to light yellow and have the same tapered look.

Choose parsnips that are firm, with a good creamy color, without spots, blemishes, cuts or cracks. They should have a uniform shape (about 4 to 8 inches long) and should not be limp or shriveled. Avoid those that are particularly large since they may be too tough.

Parsnips are starchy like a potato, sweet like a carrot and a little nutty. They’re almost always eaten cooked, and are great as a stand-alone side dish or as tasty additions to soups and stews.

Parsnips can be peeled before or after cooking. Scrub them well under cool water; peel and trim the ends. Chop into even pieces and bake, steam or stir-fry. Cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger nicely complement the sweet, nutty flavor. Parsnips roast well accompanied by carrots and other root vegetables. Puree them with potatoes or other root vegetables.

Microwaving with water also is an excellent preparation method, and don’t overlook the possibility of small chunks, slices or julienne strips quickly sautéed.

However you choose to prepare parsnips, do not overcook them because they are tastiest when they’re just slightly tender.

Wrap parsnips in paper towels, place in a plastic bag and refrigerate in the vegetable crisper drawer for up to a month.