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The Slice: She’s quite the catch
The way she tells it, Desyl Spivey wasn’t really trying to catch the bridal bouquet. “But it came right to me,” she said. “It happened in an instant. I didn’t have time to think about it.”
Spivey is 101. She’ll turn 102 in September.
The bouquet thrower was her great-granddaughter, Serena Lindquist.
Serena, daughter of Dave and Jill Lindquist, got married at Fourth Memorial Church last weekend.
This wasn’t a case of the bride intentionally tossing the cluster of roses to the delightful woman known to her family as “Gramma.”
For one thing, she tossed them from a balcony. And, well, have you ever tried to aim a bouquet?
And this was not a small gathering. More than 300 people attended the wedding. There was quite a crowd gathered down below Serena when she let fly with the flowers.
Spivey, a widow who lives in a Spokane Valley retirement community, knows all about the significance attached to catching the bouquet. (You know, the catcher will be the next to marry.) But she’s not thinking nuptials are in the offing for her.
“Oh dear, no,” she said. “I’m not even looking.”
But then, she didn’t really plan on catching the flowers either. So you never know.
“Mixed feelings: Heidi Winegar is a kindergarten teacher at Windsor Elementary in Cheney. On the last day of school, a student named Michael gave her a card.
The boy wrote: “Mrs. Winegar: Youre my first teacher. I love you for that and I never forgive you.”
Hmmm. The lad sounds conflicted.
“I’m assuming that it was just a confusion of words, not an actual admission of harboring feelings of contempt,” said Winegar.
No doubt.
Of course, some of us can recall teachers we’ll never forgive. But chances are, we didn’t tell them we loved them.
“More Priest Lake commandments: “Thou shalt not bring your personal watercraft to Priest Lake.”
“Thou shalt honor your mother and father who leased the lot for $85 per year, once upon a time.”
“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife/cabin/water toys.”
“Remember the Sabbath and depart not before 7 p.m.” — Karen Bart, Linda Delaney, Dotty Thomas
“”But it’s marked down to a low, low $11.99, Mom”: What did one of your children say when trying to get you to buy something?
“One reason fathers can be important: Left to make the decision on their own, single mothers often come up with some truly dreadful baby names.
“Slice answer: Anna Rhodes will note the anniversary of the Battle of the Little Bighorn on Saturday by turning 50.
“Today’s Slice question: What’s your best story involving both the current road construction and hot real estate market?