Idaho records
Police Blotter
Coeur d’Alene police
Dorothy Bartholomew, treasurer for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Post Falls, reported May 25 the $10,600 theft of cash from the church when unauthorized checks were cashed on the church’s account.
Susan Riess reported Monday the $500 theft of a bike from her home on the 800 block of Hastings Ave.
Robert Bogden reported Monday the $949 theft of two kneeboards and a wetsuit from his boat parked at Resort Marina, 115 N. Second St.
Kootenai County sheriff
Paul Daly, Dalton Gardens, reported Friday the $6,500 theft of a 1982 GMC pickup from Verizon, 747 W. Prairie Ave.
James Guindon, Post Falls, reported Friday the $1,000 theft of a 1998 Ford pickup, rifle and pellet gun from the 2100 block of North Greensferry Road.
Bradley Cox reported Friday the $4,800 theft of a hot tub from property on the 15000 block of Ranch Valley Road.
Jay Peterson, Post Falls, reported Thursday the $820 theft of a safe containing cash and medication from his home on the 2500 block of East Ponderosa Ave.
Coleman Franklin, Spokane Valley, reported Saturday $600 damage to the windshield of his 1998 Volkswagen Jetta parked at The Grail, 4720 N. Ferrell St.
David Hester, Coeur d’Alene, reported Friday the $300 theft of lighting equipment from a construction site on the 25000 block of North Hester Road.
William Shewell, Worley, reported Thursday the $300 theft of a rototiller from his home on the 9800 block of West I St.
Ardella Montgomery, Post Falls, reported Friday the $332 theft by deception when roof repairs were paid for but the work was never done to her home on the 4800 block of East 16th Ave.
News of Record
Kootenai County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Charles Hosack
Daniel J. Rachuy, 37, Post Falls; felony attempt to elude a police officer; $1,000 fine, $150 restitution, one year driver’s license suspension, 40 days in jail, 96 hours community service, one year determinate penitentiary time (suspended), two years indeterminate penitentiary time (suspended), three years probation.
Timothy K. Turnbull, 46, Athol; felony unlawful possession by convicted felon; $150 restitution, six months determinate penitentiary time, two years indeterminate penitentiary time.
Judge Benjamin Simpson
Thomas J. Jaeger, 24, Coeur d’Alene; driving without privileges; six months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (160 days suspended), 120 hours county work program, two years probation.
James A. Johnson, 44, Spokane; misdemeanor probation violation; one year in jail (163 days credited time).
Stanley L. Stroisch, 32, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; $250 fine, $250 restitution, 110 days in jail.
Matthew P. Burton, 21, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 90 days in jail.
Judge Barry Watson
John P. Quitt, 37, Post Falls; Count I: violation of a protection order-domestic violence; $1,000 fine ($750 suspended), one year in jail (325 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: domestic violence-violation of a protection order; $1,000 fine ($750 suspended), one year in jail (345 days suspended), two years probation.
Dennis B. Robertson Jr., 69, Coeur d’Alene; Count I: misdemeanor probation violation; $263 restitution, 11 days in jail. Count II: misdemeanor probation violation; 11 days in jail.
Gerald L. Parker, 40, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 10 days in jail.
Shara C. Cleveland, 24, Elko, Nev.; Count I: misdemeanor probation violation; $250 restitution, 30 days in jail. Count II: misdemeanor probation violation; $250 restitution, 156 days in jail.
Judge Patrick McFadden
Elliot V. Noska II, 36, Post Falls; Count I: driving under the influence; six months driver’s license suspension, 180 days in jail (101 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: driving without privileges; 180 days in jail (101 days suspended), six months driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Judge Eugene Marano
Terry M. Poelstra Jr., 29, Coeur d’Alene; driving without privileges; 180 days in jail.
Justin B. Yankey, 28, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence (second offense); $2,000 fine ($1,000 suspended), one year in jail (355 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Scott M. Arnold, 20, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; 30 days in jail, 30 days unscheduled jail time.
Judge Quentin Harden
Sandra J. Horst, 34, Salem, Ore.; insufficient funds check fraud; $500 fine (suspended), $268 restitution, 180 days in jail (100 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Robert Burton
Elliot V. Noska II, 36, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; 79 days in jail.
Civil complaints
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. John Johnson, seeking $2,191.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Melissa Welling and Dennis Welling, fdba Precision Power Wash and Roofing, seeking $1,440.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Michael Vonlindern, seeking $1,382.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Joseph Rogers and Sally Rogers, seeking $1,234.
Les Schwab Tire Center v. Christopher Gage, seeking $1,205.
Les Schwab Tire Center v. Jared Isbell, seeking $2,047.
Citibank South Dakota N.C. v. Carrie Farrell, seeking $23,083.
Fred Alexander and the F.J. Alexander Medical Rental Corp. Retirement Trust v. Michael and Tina Irwin, seeking $35,985.
Rescomm Holdings #2 LLC v. David Wagner, seeking $19,664.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Carolee Legard and Joel Legard, seeking $5,227.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Jack Knowles and Robin Knowles, seeking $17,148.
Kipp Coverdell and Kristine Coverdell v. Silverwood Inc., seeking an amount to be proved at trial.
Security Pacific Financial Services v. Donovan Fetzer, seeking an amount to be proved at trial.
Civil judgments
First Resolution Investment Corp. v. Joseph Stennet, award of $4,997.
FDS Bank/Bon Macy’s v. Deborah Stanley, award of $2,509.
Automated Accounts v. Allen Johnson and Tammy Johnson, award of $2,804.
Nancy Clampet v. Justin Burton, award of $3,085.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Jason Hartman and Christine Hartman, award of $2,821.
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Jerald Olney and Crystal Olney, award of $1,120.
Johnson-Rountree Co. v. Yvette Gilmore-Spier and Joseph Spier, award of $12,967.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Cynthia Wright, award of $8,530.
Green Tree Servicing LLC v. Jack Rich and Rebecca Whipple, award of $25,560.
Civil dismissals
Coeur d’Alene Adjustment Bureau v. Brian Greenfelder.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. John Voigt and Erica Voigt.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Laura Saint.
Order for change of name
Brett Jason Tisdale, order for change to Brett Jason Lynch.
Divorces sought
Andrea Cordell from Matthew Cordell.
Jeffrey Kernodle from Cara Kernodle.
Kimberly Hammon from Mark Hammon.
Deborah Rankin from Timothy Rankin.