Volunteers wanted
The following nonprofit organizations would like volunteer help.
Post Falls Food Bank, 415 E. Third St., Post Falls: Volunteers needed to help with fund-raising projects, stocking, office assistance, and food pickup/driver backup. Hours vary. Cathy, 773-0139.
Kootenai Humane Society, Hayden: Volunteers needed for dog walking, dog bathing, thrift store duties, photography, maintenance and repair, foster care, newsletter preparation, and fund-raising. Flexible hours. Call or e-mail Jackie, 818-4535, jacqueline_bell@comcast.net.
Women’s Center, Coeur d’Alene: Volunteers needed to work in thrift store and office , to participate in crisis intervention; training is provided. Survivors needed to tell their stories. Hours and days flexible. Linda, 664-9303.
Lake City Playhouse, Coeur d’Alene: Volunteers needed to usher at performances, work in the box office, or help with concessions, all in exchange for a free show. Bekkah, 667-1323.