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The Slice: Spooky sprinklers? You decide

In the Spokane area, the surest sign that mystical spirits exist might be sprinkler systems coming on at mysterious times.

OK, perhaps incorrectly programmed timers or fouled-up circuitry are responsible. But maybe, just maybe, it’s the Ghost of Summertime Past paying a visit.

OK, let’s move on.

“Slice answers (memorable falls): Back in 1988, Russ Stippel and his 2-year-old son were at Riverfront Park. Stippel was in a three-wheel scooter-style wheelchair and had the boy on his lap.

On their way over to the famous garbage goat, they started up a gentle rise. This tipped the weight to the back of the scooter and suddenly the front wheel was thrust up into the air. “I’m told it looked like a rocket in launch position,” said Stippel.

Both father and son fell. “Luckily, the only thing hurt was my pride as we were both quickly surrounded by everyone in the area,” said Stippel.

The little boy wanted to do it again.

Maggie Taylor’s story is a bit different.

Five years ago, the Post Falls woman was at a Spokane doctor’s office for a checkup. The office was just across from Sacred Heart Medical Center.

While there, she tripped on the carpet, fell and broke her shoulder.

You’d think a doctor’s office would be a pretty good place to have an accident. But Taylor was in pain and kept fainting. So she was transported to an ambulance and then driven across the street to the hospital. “Pretty embarrassing,” she said.

Cynthia Lambarth has experienced memorable falls all over the world — Japan, Australia, you name it. And her spills have taken place in a wide range of settings, from hiking trails to business offices. “I’m something of an expert in falling,” she said.

To be continued.

“Naming an instructional video for newcomers: “We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Turn Signals.” — B.R. Bear Carson

“Fan mail: Several readers blasted The Slice for seeking reactions to KXLY’s Karina Shagren and then printing a couple.

“What was the point of this?” wondered Connie O’Brien.

“It was mean-spirited, lacked any journalistic class or merit and was an all-time low point for The Slice,” wrote Susan Bloom.

“Disgusting,” said Idamarie Harrington.

“Keep your negative thoughts and criticisms to yourself,” suggested Clyde Rogers.

“Baby-sitting (then and now): Colville’s Jeanette Lantz said the big difference today is “It pays more than 10 cents an hour.”

Terri Fortner remembers baby-sitting in the ‘80s. “There was no Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, Nintendo, PS1, 2 or whatever the newest version is,” she wrote. “Entertainment included (gasp) board games and reading books.”

“Today’s Slice question: How many different sports/games have been played in your back yard?

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