Looking ahead
Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Campaign – kicks off Monday with Blue Ribbon Ceremony and CASA events, noon-1 p.m., at Harding Family Center, 411 N. 15th St., in Coeur d’Alene. Information: 667-9165.
Community Adoption Education – Public information session Monday, 6-7:30 p.m., at Little Seattle Coffee Shop, 2310 N. Fourth St. Presented by CASI Foundation for Children. Information: 676-8814 or 800-376-0558.
Methods of Home Composting Class – Connie Hass, certified master composter in Spokane County, will teach the course Monday, 1-3 p.m., at the UI Kootenai County Extension Office, 1000 W. Hubbard, Sutte 142. Cost: $5, pre-registration and pre-payment required. Information: 446-1693.
Inland Northwest Blood Center Drive – Monday through April 8, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at the center, 1341 Northwood Center Court, in Coeur d’Alene. Information: 624-0151.
Modern Slavery-Trafficking in Human Beings - Public awareness event Monday, 6 p.m., at NIC’s Todd Lecture Hall in the Molstead Library. Presenter will be Merikay Jost of the Trafficking in Human Beings Awareness Campaign, Legislative Concerns-West Central Deanery Council of Catholic Women. Information: 664-5659.
Coeur d’Alene Women’s 9-Holers Golf Club – League opening day is Tuesday at 8 a.m. at the Coeur d’Alene Public Golf Course in the coffee shop. Newcomers welcome.
NIC Sculpture Reception – for “Universal Declaration of Independence” sculpture is Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in the lobby of Molstead Library. Art was created through a service-learning project between NIC art students and kids from Art on the Edge.
Disability Issues Conference - Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m., and Thursday, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., with Jane Jarrow, national disability issues expert, as the featured guest; sponsored by the University of Idaho, city of Moscow Human Rights Commission and the Latah County Human Rights Task Force. To register, call 885-6307.
NIC Job Fair Workshops - “Creating Resumes,” free job skills clinic Wednesday at 10 a.m. and Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Edminster Student Union Building, Driftwood Bay Room. Information: 666-8013.
Women’s Health Forum – April 7, 7-8:30 p.m., featuring Dr. Pamela Langenderfer, at the North Idaho College Winton Building, Room 13, on the corner of College and Winton Drives. Presented by Coeur d’Alene Healing Arts, 664-1644.
“Hotel Rwanda” - Global Cinema Cafe film series, April 7-9, 7:30 p.m., at Panida Theater, Sandpoint. Cost: $6 adults, $5 seniors/students. Information: 263-9191.
Lakeland Head Start Open House – Friday, April 8, 4-6 p.m., at 14797 Kimo Court, Rathdrum.
“Idaho Paints Idaho” traveling exhibit – Art reception and sale will be Friday, April 8, 5:30-7 p.m., at the Pend Oreille Arts Council, Power House Building, 120 Lake St., Sandpoint. Information: 263-6139.