Lottery numbers
Monday’s Washington Daily Game: 4-2-9.
Monday’s Lucky for Life: 52-62-75-82.
Monday’s Washington Keno: 7-8-18- 19-25-31-34-39-42-43-45-46-48- 59-60-61-62-65-74-75.
Today in history
1066: William the Conqueror invaded England to claim the English throne.
1781: American forces in the Revolutionary War, backed by a French fleet, began their siege of Yorktown Heights, Va.
1787: Congress voted to send the just-completed Constitution of the United States to state legislatures for their approval.
1924: Two U.S. Army planes landed in Seattle having completed the first round-the-world flight in 175 days.
1939: During World War II, Germany and the Soviet Union agreed on a plan to partition Poland.
1999: The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether a state can give visitation rights to grandparents whenthe children’s parents say no. The court later ruled that Washington state went too far in letting grandparents and others seek visitation, but it stopped short of giving parents absolute veto power over who gets to visit their children.