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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idaho calendar

The Spokesman-Review


“Gint” Auditions today and Wednesday in Boswell Hall’s Schuler Auditorium on the North Idaho College campus. Five women and four men ages 20-50 are needed. Rehearsals begin Thursday. Scripts are available for checkout in Boswell Hall Room 227. This is an NIC Theater Department production.

North Idaho Computer Users Group will meet from 6-9 p.m. at 3 Star Computers, 1604 N. Fourth. Visitors welcome. Information: Bill at 667-0855.

The Art Books of James Castle A traveling exhibit from the Idaho Center for the Book, will be on display through Thursday in the Corner Gallery in Boswell Hall at North Idaho College. Castle was a self-taught artist known for his use of found objects, including books.

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Members are needed for the Idaho Care and Prevention Council, for individuals who are interested in and/or have been affected by HIV/AIDS. Deadline application is Sept. 15. To apply visit


Drama Club at the Song Bird Begins Wednesday with rehearsals/workshops and classes from 4-5:30 p.m. Dee Suhr directs. $25 per student per month. The Song Bird is located at 315 N. Fourth. Information: 664-3672.

Computer Workshop at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library Basics in Power Point will be presented Wednesday at 6 p.m. The workshop is free but space is limited so call 769-2315 to reserve a seat.

Information Sessions for LPNs seeking RN degree – at North Idaho College Wednesday at noon, or Thursday at 4 p.m. in Winton Hall Room 11. Information: 769-3481.

North Idaho Partners in Care Mobile Clinic will be at the Ben Franklin store in Old Town Thursday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. For an appointment, call 263-5159.

“Reading Lewis and Clark” The East Bonner County Library District will present this series co-sponsored by the Bonner County Historical Society beginning Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Sandpoint Library, 1407 Cedar St. Information: 263-6930.

Adult Flag Football – Registration has been extended until Friday for those over 18. $15 per player, with games starting September 20. Packets can be picked up at the Post Falls Parks and Recreation Dept., 408 Spokane St. Information: 773-0539.

Opening Reception at Art Spirit Gallery The work of Robert Grimes will be featured during a reception from 5-8 p.m. Friday in conjunction with the ArtWalk. Art Spirit is located at 415 Sherman Ave. Information: 765-6006.

Robin Hood The Monarch School play will be performed Friday at 7 p.m. at the Panida Theatre in Sandpoint. $5 donation. Information: 263-9191.

Farragut Naval Training Station 18th Annual Reunion Friday through Sunday at Farragut State Park. All who worked or trained at FNTS during WWII, including their descendents, are invited. Camping reservations: 683-2425 ext. 21; reunion newsletter: (360) 876-4470; ship stores: 683-3239; photos and memorabilia: 683-2425 ext. 26.

“Harvey” This play about a man and his imaginary friend, Harvey, a six-and-a-half-foot rabbit, opens Friday at the Lake City Playhouse. The show continues Saturday and Sunday, then again September 16-19, and 23-25. Showtime is 7 p.m on Thursdays, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturdays and 2 p.m. on Sunday. $14 adults, $12 seniors and students under 18, $8 children and $10 for groups of 10 or more. Information: 667-1323.

Afterlife Crossing Over Show Friday at 7 p.m. in the North Idaho College Student Union Building with Angel Network’s Bonnie Whiting. Information: 667-1423.

Kootenai County Democratic Club will meet Friday at noon at the Iron Horse restaurant. The film “Outfoxed” that takes a look at “fair and balanced” Fox News will be shown. Information: 777-1588.

Fourth Annual Lakeland Timberlake Coaster Cross Saturday at 10 a.m. at Silverwood Theme Park. The two 5,000 meter heats begin on the grass behind Lindy’s restaurant. Any high-school-eligible student can enter, and there is no fee. For more information ,call Meilee Azabache at 683-3400 ext. 126.

Audubon Society Meet at 7 a.m. Saturday in the south end of the Kmart parking lot to carpool to look for birds in the Priest River and Lake area. Bring food, water and candy. Information: Roland Craft at 457-8894 or Dick Cripe at 665-0010.

Idaho Panhandle National Forests Field trip Saturday. Meet at the St. Maries District Office to go to the upper Joe/Mallard Larkins area and discuss inventoried roadless areas, proposed wilderness, access and fire. Information: 245-2531.

Fourth Annual Rathdrum Power, LLC DARE Fundraiser Golf Tournament Saturday at 7 a.m. at the Highlands Golf Course. Sign in at 7 a.m., shotgun start at 8. $60 per player includes 18 holes, cart, continental breakfast, barbecue, golf cap, sleeve of balls and tees. Or, sponsor a hole for $50 or half a hole for $25, all for a good cause. Information: 687-5570.

Miniature Golf Fund Raiser for Coeur d’Alene Homes Sunday at 5, 6, 7 or 8 p.m. for $10 at Triple Play in Hayden. Rounds played at 9 and 10 p.m. are $20, and you play night golf with glow in the dark balls and pins.Tickets available at Triple Play or Coeur d’Alene Homes. Information: 664-8119.

Adopt-A-Crag climbing clean-up – Sunday at Q’emiln Riverside Park in Post Falls from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sponsored by North Idaho College’s Outdoor Pursuits, come help clean up trash and perform light duty trail work. Information: 769-7809.

Audubon Society Mica Bay Survey Monday. Meet at 8 a.m. at Fairmont Loop and Highway 95. Information: Shirley Sturts 664-5318 or Kris Buchler at 664-4739.

North Idaho Partners in Care Mobile Clinic will be at the Stoneridge Resort in Blanchard Monday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. for dental only. For an appointment, call 415-5100.

Let’s Talk About It The Coeur d’Alene Public Library will present a series beginning Monday on Lewis and Clark. For more information, call the library at 769-2315.