Lottery numbers
Thursday’s Washington Daily Game: 4-4-8.
Thursday’s Washington Lucky for Life: 6-13-23-57.
Thursday’s Washington Keno: 4-7-10- 11-13-21-22-26-27-31-37-51-54- 63-65-70-72-75-77-80.
Today in history
1783: The Treaty of Paris between the United States and Great Britain officially ended the Revolutionary War.
1939: Britain and France declared war on Germany, two days after the Nazi invasion of Poland.
1976: The unmanned U.S. spacecraft Viking 2 landed on Mars to take the first close-up, color photographs of the planet’s surface.
1978: Pope John Paul I was installed as the 264th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.
1999: A French court dismissed all charges against nine photographers in the car crash that killed Princess Diana, and ruled the accident was caused by an inebriated driver.