The Valley Voice
We want to expand our coverage of Valley neighborhoods and we need your help. Let us know when something interesting is happening in your neighborhood.
Contact Jeff Jordan, Valley Editor, 13208 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99216.
You can also contact us by e-mail at:
We welcome letters of up to 250 words from readers who want to write about neighborhood issues or respond to something that has appeared in the Voice. All letters are subject to editing. Please sign your letter with your full name and include your home address and a daytime phone number where you can be reached for verification.
Write: Letters to the Editor, Valley Voice, 999 W. Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA 99201. Fax: 459-5482. e-mail:
The Spokesman-Review is committed to accuracy. If you think we have made a factual error in this Voice, call 459-5487. Mistakes will be corrected on this page.
Jeff Jordan927-2170
Valley Editor
Mike Vlahovich927-2180
Reporter: Sports
Trinity Hartman 927-2164
Reporter: Public safety
Megan Cooley927-2165
Reporter: Government, parks
Tom Lutey927-2179
Reporter: Exit 289 column, growth
Melodie Little927-2168
Reporter: Liberty Lake, social services, medical news
Sara Leaming927-2166
Reporter: K-12 education
Holly Pickett927-2156
Nina Culver927-2158
Editorial Assistant: Religion,
business, achievements
Dennis Matsuda927-2153
Advertising Account Executive
Peggy Skirko927-2163
Advertising Account Executive
Bob Myklebust927-2823
Retail Advertising Manager
Classified advertising456-SELL