Idaho calendar
Cut Out Domestic Violence - from 10 a.m.-noon at 1717 E. Polston in Post Falls. This is domestic violence training for Idaho Salon Professionals, presented by OASIS and The Women’s Center. RSVP to Bridget at 773-1080.
Coeur d’Alene District 271 Art Teachers Show - opens today at the Devin Gallery on Sherman Avenue. Two- and three-dimensional works created by elementary, middle and high school art teachers in Coeur d’Alene will be on display through Nov. 20. Opening reception is from 5-7 p.m. Friday.
Alternative Typestyles - Typography exhibit featuring Kentucky artist Matt Tullis opens today in the Corner Gallery in Boswell Hall on the North Idaho College campus. Opening reception is from 5-7 p.m. Gallery hours are from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Information: 769-3427.
Career Development Week – today through Friday in the Career Center, located upstairs in the Edminster Student Union Building at North Idaho College. Free on-the-spot career assessments and refreshments. Open to the public. Information: 769-3297.
Surviving Treatment – A class for the newly diagnosed cancer patient, sponsored by Community Cancer Services, from 6-8 p.m. at 718 Cedar St. in Sandpoint. Information: 255-2301.
“Sharing the Dream: White Males in Multicultural America” – in the Lake Coeur d’Alene Room of the Edminster Student Union Building at North Idaho College, with author Dominic Pulera. Information: 769-7782.
Senior Luncheon – at the Post Falls Community Church sponsored by the Deacons, will be held Nov. 16. Reservations are required today. Call the church at 773-2527.
Books wanted for special holiday sale – The Friends of the Coeur d’Alene Public Library are collecting gently used books for a sale to benefit the building fund for the new library. To donate e-mail or call 769-2315.
Simple Celebrations – Have the holidays become more work than fun? For many people the holiday season has become a time of stress and increased debt. This public forum on sustainability will be held Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Sandpoint Public Library. Learn to develop simple patterns that are less consumptive and more supportive of the environment. Information: 255-5898.
Country Western Gospel Jubilee – Tuesday at the Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive at 6:30 p.m. Information: 765-8580.
Coeur d’Alene Aglow International Lighthouse – meets Tuesday at the Best Western Coeur d’Alene Inn, 414 W. Appleway, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Lunch is $9.50. For reservations, call Shirley Peterson at 772-5562 by Sunday. The speaker will be Jim Pearl of Hayden.
Transfer Day – Tuesday in the foyer of the Edminster Student Union Building at North Idaho College from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., for students looking to transfer to a four-year university. Information: 769-7875.
“Gathering of the Bands” – Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Boswell Hall’s Schuler Auditorium on the North Idaho College campus. About 14 eighth-grade bands from throughout the region will participate in a joint concert with the NIC symphonic band. Information: 769-3258.
Hayden Lake Management Steering Committee Meeting – Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Hayden City Hall, 9545 N. Strahorn. Information: Glen Rothrock 769-1422.
North Idaho Partners in Care Mobile Clinic – will be at the Sandpoint Senior Center Wednesday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. for dental only. For an appointment, call 263-5159.
Foot Reflexology Lecture – with Barbara Lee, Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Rocky Mountain Low Carb and Gluten-Free Foods, 9040 Hess (next to Dominos Pizza), in Hayden. Ten percent off in the store during lecture. Information: 773-7822.
Christian Women’s Club Luncheon – Thursday from 12:30-2 p.m. at the Coeur d’Alene Resort. The theme is “Holiday Culinary Delights,” and the club’s cookbook will be available for $10 at the luncheon. Lunch is $9. The featured speakers are Rick and Jan Thornton from Wishful Kneads baking store. Reservations by Tuesday please. Complimentary child care by reservation. Please bring a sack lunch for your child. Call Anita at 687-0291 or Prudy at 772-9013.
University of Idaho Hunger Banquet – Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Commons Clearwater/Whitewater Room. For $3 participants will “draw their fate” at the door, and be placed in a specific economic class, and served a meal representative of the country. Few will leave with a full stomach, but will have a better understanding of global hunger and poverty. Information: 882-3219.
“A Shayna Maidel” – This powerful, haunting portrait of a family divided by the Holocaust, directed by Tracey Benson, opens Thursday at the Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden, at 7 p.m. Additional performances Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then Nov. 18-20. Friday and Saturday performances are at 8 p.m. and the Sunday shows are at 2 p.m. $7 all shows. Information: 667-1323.
Flu vaccination clinic in Bonners Ferry – The Public Health District office in Bonners Ferry will have vaccinations available starting at 9 a.m. Friday for high-risk individuals only. Approximately 150 doses will be available. Information: 415-5100.
North Idaho Partners in Care Mobile Clinic – will be at the Ben Franklin Store in Oldtown, Friday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. For an appointment, call 263-5159.
Women’s Work – A holiday art fair featuring original gifts made by women will be held Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. in the Student Union Building ballroom at the University of Idaho. Proceeds will go toward the Women’s Center Gender Equity Scholarship Fund. Information: 885-6616.
University of Idaho Fall Dance Theatre Concert – Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building Auditorium. $8 general admission, $6 seniors, children and UI students. Information: 885-7212 or 885-2184.
11th Annual Santa’s Workshop Craft Fair – Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Bonner General Hospital, 520 N. Third Ave. in Sandpoint.