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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Glass insulators may be worth some cash

Larry Cox King Features Syndicate

Q: During the 1860s, a telegraph line was installed through British Columbia, Canada, near where I live. Several years ago, I found three of the old glass insulators originally used on the poles. The insulators are green and manufactured by either Hemingray or Whitall Tatum, both American companies. — Joel, Burns Lake, B.C.

A: Your insulators sound interesting. There are hundreds of people who collect the older glass insulators, especially throughout the Western states. Two clubs that might be helpful are the Yankee Polecat Insulator Club, 1034 Canterbury Court, Carlisle, MA 01741; and the Dixie Jewels Club, 6220 Carriage Court, Cumming, GA 30040.


Q: I have a dental instrument cabinet with a marble kick board and a marble top that is approximately 100 years old. What do you think it’s worth? — Isabella, Columbus, Neb.

A: William Winjurn is a collector of older dental instruments and fixtures. His address is 1502 Showalter Road, Grafton, VA 23692. For a second opinion, you can contact Dr. Barry Janov, 2454 Dempster St., Suite 416, Des Plaines, IL 60016.


Q: I have “The Following of Christ,” a set of four books by Thomas A. Kempis, translated from the Latin by the retired Rev. Richard Challoner, D.D. The set was published by John Murphy in about 1856. Where can I find out its value? — Mike, Pueblo West, Colo.

A: A quick check of several book dealers in the Denver area revealed little or no interest in your books. Two shops in other areas that buy and sell rare out-of-print books are Brick Row Book Shop, 49 Geary St., 235, San Francisco, CA 94108; and Robert Gavora Fine and Rare Books, P.O. Box 448, Talent, OR 97541.


Q: I have a number of 18th and 19th century U.S. newspapers. Where can I find out how much they might be worth? — Ginny, Blairsville, Ga.

A: Mark Mitchell is an appraiser who specializes in vintage American newspapers. His address is 3002 Winter Pine Court, Fairfax, VA 22031. Two established newspaper dealers are Phil Barber, P.O. Box 8694, Boston, MA 02114; and Timothy Hughes, P.O. Box 3636, Williamspot, PA 17701.