Idaho calendar
Artist Showing - Kieran Tobin from Galway, Ireland, an internationally known artist, will be at the Timber Stand Gallery in Sandpoint, today from noon-3 p.m. The gallery is on the Cedar Street Bridge in downtown Sandpoint. Refreshments will be served.
Books wanted for special holiday sale – The Friends of the Coeur d’Alene Public Library are collecting gently used books for a sale to benefit the building fund for the new library. To donate e-mail or call 769-2315.
“Yesterday’s Tommorrows: Past Visions of the American Future” – today is the last day to see this traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institute at the Hayden Library. Stop by between 1-3 p.m. for refreshments, prizes, crafts and face-painting for kids. Information: 772-5612.
Support Our Troops Fund-raiser – from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. hosted by Lewis-Clark State College’s chapter of Delta Epsilon Chi in the Lewiston D&B Farm and Home Store/K-Mart parking lot. Information:792-2813 or 792-2893.