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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Several readers eager to help get cans open

 (The Spokesman-Review)
Kathy Mitchell Marcy Sugar Creators Syndicate

Dear Annie: You were right when you told “Al in the Midwest” that octogenarians aren’t the only ones having trouble opening pull-tab lids. My 55-year-old daughter taught me to turn the cans upside down and use a regular can opener. It works unless the can has a rounded bottom. As for items sealed in plastic-and-cardboard packaging, the solution to opening them is a Widget, an inexpensive scraper and cutter manufactured by the Gillette Co. — Lee in the East Dear Lee: We were swamped with replies from readers eager to help “Al” open things. Several readers recommended specific brand-name products, and although we are happy to mention them, we have no idea if they work or not, so caveat emptor (buyer beware). Here’s more: From Sun City, Ariz.: Put the can on the counter with the tab toward you. Pry up the tab with a spoon, then insert one of the handles of a metal garlic-crusher and let the end rest against the edge on the other side. Hold the can firmly on the counter and then pull up the lid. Southwest: Tell “Al” to visit a kitchen supply store. It likely has several types of pull-tab openers for sale like the kind airline flight attendants use. Illinois: “Al” should look in the pet food section of his local supermarket. I was trying to save my fingernails when I found a plastic utensil for opening pet food cans for my cat. Binghamton, N.Y.: To open a tab can, look through your kitchen utensil drawer and find a long handle that will go through the hole in the tab and use this as a lever. To open a pickle or jelly jar, poke a tiny hole in the tin cover, carefully, with a pointed knife or an ice pick. When it “pops,” you’re home free. I have no solutions for medicine capsules in plastic packaging. South Carolina: There is a $3.99 item on the market that allows one to hook onto a pull tab and open the can easily. Check the Web site and click on “Arthritis.” For jar lids, try Dycem matting, available at most occupational therapy departments and restaurant supply stores. An X-ACTO knife is good for opening plastic-sealed medication. Boston: Before leaving the store, we octogenarians should ask the sales clerk to open the shrink-wrapped products for us. A tough one for me is ink cartridges for my printer. And it’s impossible to get a battery out of the package. A lot of us live alone and can’t simply hand these things to someone and say, “Here. Open this for me.” Center Line, Mich.: “Al” should check at a local Home Healthcare store in his area. They have many products to help people who are having difficulties with simple daily activities. There is a product called the Purrfect Opener by B.A. Maze Inc., that works for opening pill bottles, plastic packaging and lift-tabs on cans. It’s also a pill splitter. If you check the Web site at (1-800-708-OPEN) (1-800-708-6736), you can probably find a local store that carries it. N. Smithfield, R.I.: I solved the problem by buying a Can Claw for $5.95 from Home Trends ( at (800) 810-2340. Chicago: After using the screwdriver-and-pliers method, I ended up with tomato soup all over the counter and me, but I still couldn’t get the pull-tab off. I called the 800 number on the can and told them how sad I was that I would no longer be able to use their soup. Maybe if enough of us call and let them know they are losing customers, they’d correct the problem.