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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Give A Break To Those In Need

Ann Landers Creators Syndicate

Dear Ann Landers: I am a pilot for AirLifeLine, which donates time, aircraft and fuel to provide free transportation for individuals in need of medical treatment who cannot afford commercial travel. In most cases, airports waive the landing fees for these flights. I am sorry to say this is not the case with LaGuardia, Kennedy and Newark airports.

I recently picked up a young transplant patient at LaGuardia airport for a flight to Pittsburgh. I was charged $125 to land at LaGuardia. When AirLifeLine transported 80 Russian kids for treatment to various locations in the United States, we had to send them by bus from Kennedy airport to another airport. We could not land at Kennedy and pick them up because the landing fees were excessive.

Perhaps if you bring this inequity to the public’s attention, it might provide the necessary pressure to waive the landing fees for charity flights. Thank you for your support, Ann. It is greatly appreciated. - Sidney Ellner, AirLifeLine pilot, USAF (Ret.)

Dear Sidney Ellner: I hope the movers and shakers see this letter and soften up. After all, some of these people are undergoing lifesaving surgeries. It would be a lovely gift for those who truly need it, and heaven knows, the people who are transported by your wonderful little service really do. Have a heart, guys. Please.

For anyone who wants more information or would like to make a donation to AirLifeLine, you may write 6133 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95822 or call 1-800-446-1231.

Dear Ann Landers: Please help me out. I was told that I am “out of date.” Is chivalry dead?

At an informal gathering recently, I did something that my girlfriend said embarrassed her. (I am 45, and “Mary” is 48.) I was sitting between Mary and a female co-worker. The co-worker commented that it was chilly in the room, so I offered her my jacket. Instead of handing it to her, I placed it over her shoulders.

This upset my girlfriend. She said the act had an air of intimacy that offended her. I thought I was just being mannerly. During an in-depth discussion the next day, Mary said the ‘90s are different. Chivalry is no longer “in.” Examples she cited were: It is not acceptable to open or close a car door for a female unless she is a wife, mother or invalid. Also, it is no longer proper to offer a lady your seat on the bus unless she is elderly or pregnant.

When did everything change? Was I out of line? Are the new rules written someplace? Apparently, I need to read them. - Out of Touch in Tallahassee

Dear Tallahassee: You are not out of line; your girlfriend is. Women still appreciate the niceties of a gentleman, and I hope that you will not permit Mary’s excessive criticism to alter your gentlemanly way of doing things.

Dear Ann Landers: I have been reading your advice for several years, and now I would like to contribute something in return.

To treat a simple burn on the lip or in the mouth, dip a tea bag in cool water until it is soggy. Hold it to the burn for about three or four minutes. The pain will soon be gone. - Nashville

Dear Nashville: Thanks for the hot tip.
