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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: Buy a vest from a thrift shop and sew the bottom part and the armholes together. Slide a hanger through the top like you’re hanging it up and voila! You’ve got a decorative clothespin holder to hang on your clothesline. With this it is easy to grab a clothespin or put one in. Mary Rothingham, Lincoln, Neb.

Dear Heloise: I would appreciate it if you would print my letter, as it might save some women the frustration of painting their nails and not liking the color.

I buy inexpensive packages of fake nails and for each color I paint one fake nail. All I have to do is press on a nail to see if I like the color with my blouse. - Bettie Moulton, Tuscola, Texas

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, PO Box 795000, San Antonio TX 78279-5000 or fax it to 210-HELOISE.