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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

E. Gordon Residents Report Gunshots Fired

Spokane police responded to several reports of shots fired in the 1700 block of East Gordon on Sunday night.

Officers interviewed neighbors in the area of Gordon, Glass and Providence. Some residents reported as many as five or six loud shots, others heard fewer, police spokesman Dick Cottam said.

Police found several shotgun shells in the area and collected them as evidence. Police did not find any evidence of damage or injuries from any of the shots, he said.

One witness said he saw a man with a sawed-off shotgun near a car in the area. Police looked for the car but did not find it.

A pane to see

Spokane City Hall windows probably will be replaced after they were damaged last weekend.

A City Hall security employee notified Spokane police of the damage, which occurred either Friday night or Saturday morning, said police spokesman Cottam.

Officers found deep scratches in the glass on the south, east and northeast first-floor windows. The depth of the scratches indicates a tool was used, said Cottam.

Damage is estimated at more than $3,000.

, DataTimes