Madeleine S. Carr-Callen To Candice and Aaron Carr-Callen of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 13 oz. and was 19-1/2 inches long.(Sept. 26)
Kasey Allen Jackson To Anita and Martin Jackson of Cheney. He weighed 7 lb. 14 oz. and was 20-1/2 inches long. (Sept. 26)
Joshua Bruce McElroy To Amy and Bruce McElroy of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 14 oz. and was 20-1/2 inches long. (Sept. 27)
Ashley Brown To Kelly Simmons and Robert Brown of Spokane. She weighed 5 lb. 5 oz. and was 18 inches long. (Sept. 24)
Emanuel Frank Perdue To Jaylene and Mark Perdue of Spokane. He weighed 11 lb. 4 oz. and was 22 inches long. (Sept. 24)
Nathan Thomas Koch To Dawn and Monte Koch of Spokane. He weighed 8 lb. 15 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 26)
McKaelan Jayli Maughan To Bethany Maughan and Jacob Mokler of Cheney. She weighed 8 lb. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 29)
Zachary Evan Reopelle To Sandy Stoffreger and Don Reopelle of Greenacres. He weighed 7 lb. 4 oz. and was 19-1/2 inches long. (Sept. 26)
Keann Mae White To Audra Wiles and Jason White of Spokane. She weighed 6 lb. 4 oz. and was 19-1/2 inches long. (Sept. 26)
Kailie Lynne Jenkins To Heather and Jeff Jenkins of Edwall. She weighed 8 lb. 6 oz. and was 19-3/4 inches long. (Sept. 27)
Nicolas D. Edmonds To Heather Edmonds and David Kendall of Spokane. He weighed 8 lb. 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 27)
Jacob DeWayne Gilbert To Brenda and Dave Gilbert of Spokane. He weighed 6 lb. 10 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 28)
Jayden Richard Thaiss To Yvette and Steven Thaiss of Spokane. He weighed 9 lb. 6 oz. and was 21 inches long. (Sept. 27)
Devin Nicole Barrom To Terri and John Barrom of Spokane. She weighed 6 lb. 9 oz. and was 19-1/2 inches long. (Sept. 27)
Preston Scott Maher To Susie and Scott Maher of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 6 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 24)
Holy Family
Makia Jewel Brennan To Tina and Shad Brennan of Priest River. She weighed 8 lb. 8 oz. and was 21 inches long. (Sept. 24)
Sacred Heart
Dakota Jackson Defilipppis To Peggy and Jason Defilipppis of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 2 oz. and was 21 inches long. (Sept. 26)
Devon Michael South To Monica McAleer and Dennis South of Spokane. He weighed 9 lb. 11 oz. and was 22 inches long.(Sept. 26)
Kylee Marie Ochod To Donni and Ruben Ochod of Spokane. She weighed 6 lb. 9 oz. and was 21 inches long.(Sept. 26)
Garrett James Matott To Dawn and Steve Matott of Spokane. He weighed 10 lb. 2 oz. and was 22-1/2 inches long.(Sept. 26)
Erika Marie Demmert To Lita and Doug Demmert of Spokane. She weighed 9 lb. and was 22 inches long.(Sept. 26)
Cabe Matthew Gregory To Jennifer and Matthew Gregory of Spokane. He weighed 8 lb. and was 21-1/2 inches long.(Sept. 26)
Zachary John Ewell To Danielle Rose and Shane Ewell of Spokane. He weighed 6 lb. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 27)
Kathleen Zoe Marie Nasset To Sharon and Jonathan Nasset of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 4 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 26)
Jonathon Na To Jung and Seung Na of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 7 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 23)
Alesha Lynn Lerum To Kay and Al Lerum of Spokane. She weighed 7-1/2 lb. 2 oz. and was 20-1/4 inches long. (Sept. 25)
James Patrick Raymond Norman To Pat and Jim Norman of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 11 oz. and was 22 inches long. (Sept. 25)
Jasmine Marie Hussain To Bobbie Jo Hussain of Spokane. She weighed 6 lb. 7 oz. and was 19 inches long. (Sept. 25)
Taylor Drew DeMulling To Christina and Daniel DeMulling of Spokane. She weighed 8 lb. 7 oz. and was 21-1/2 inches long. (Sept. 25)
Taylor Howard Dewey To Tina Dewey and Troy Anderson of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 2 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 27)
Valley Hospital and Medical Center
Noah Bradley Raver To Lori and Kevin Raver of Spokane. He weighed 6 lb. 1 oz. and was 18 inches long. (Sept. 25)
Thomas Irvin Zieroth To Sandra and Mike Zieroth of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 10-1/2 oz. and was 20 inches long. (Sept. 25)
Nathan Taylor Raver To Lori and Kevin Raver of Spokane. He weighed 6 lb. 3 oz. and was 18 inches long. (Sept. 25)
, DataTimes