Horse Trainer Will Show Method
A man who has made a career of learning the body language of horses is coming to Spokane on Sunday to demonstrate his revolutionary technique of training horses.
Monty Roberts’ claim to fame is that he can persuade an unbroken horse to accept a bridle, saddle and rider within 30 minutes.
Roberts will demonstrate his technique during a presentation Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Fairview Farms, 10102 N. Fairview Road.
Tickets to the event are $25 and available at Indiana Harness, 3030 E. Sprague; the Boot Corral, 11511 E. Trent; and at all Aslin-Finch Feed Co. locations.
Blue Ribbon admission tickets, which include meeting with Roberts before and after the demonstration, are $50 and available from the Spokane Polo Club, located off Highway 2 near the airport across from the Longhorn Restaurant.
For more information and directions to the farm, call the club at 747-0084.