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L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Those who calculate everything now conclude that toilet tissue rigged to unroll down the back tends to use at least one more sheet per occasion than tissue rigged to unroll over the top, unless thereabouts are household toddlers who joyously bat at the rigging.

Q. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue…. Why blue?

A. An allusion to biblical times when blue symbolized purity, and both brides and grooms wore blue bands around the bottoms of their wedding clothing.

“Desire” was only one of two streetcars in Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire.” The other was called Cemetery.

Q. Where’d we get the expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve”?

A. From the armored knights who rode into combat with their ladies’ scarves on their arms.

Q. Isn’t the “windchill factor” just a state of mind? I mean because it feels colder when the wind blows?

A. Not at all. It’s based on how quickly wind strips warm air away from internally heated skin to lower that skin’s temperature. It’s real, measurable and significant.

Eighty-six percent of those who care for the elderly are women.