The Slice Best Friends Are Precious
Listen to what some readers had to say about their best friends.
“She can say exactly what I don’t want to hear in a way I don’t mind being told.” - Jaynee Koch
“She showed me what unconditional love in a friendship feels like.” - Jenny Bryant
“My best friend of 76 years, Edna Meyer, is always there when I need her.” - Lulu Stuver
“My daughter-in-law is my best friend because she’s nonjudgmental.” - Mary McDonnell
To be continued.
Culinary prodigies: Mead’s Carrie Webbenhurst asked her 5-year-old twins how to cook a turkey.
Logan: “Put sauce and meat in a bowl. Mix it around. Put in a different bowl. Put in the oven, cook it up and it’s turkey! Cook it for 10 minutes or five minutes.”
Alec: “Take macaroni and cheese, turkey and bread with butter. Make little cornseeds. You need cookies and you need a glass to put in water. Put in oven for 40 66 minutes and that’s all.”
Second-graders take their turn Saturday.
Viva little kids: We heard about a 6-year-old name Megan who thought the Elvis song from the movie of the same name was “Beaver Las Vegas.”
Let’s all sing.
Bea-verrrr, Bea-verrrrrrr, Las Vegasssssssss.
New high school sports mascots:
Ritzville Crackers.
Northwest Christian Coalition.
East Valley Girls. - Doug Toland
The story of a baby named Harv: A friend who enjoys seeing what parents have named their children thought she was reading the birth announcements. But her eyes had scanned to something nearby on the newspaper page. “I caught ‘Harvest Festival Canned Food’ and my first split-second reaction was GOOD GRIEF!” she wrote. “Then I realized it was not a baby name. Thank goodness.”
Sense of place: “If I’m ever asked where Coeur d’Alene is in relation to the rest of the state, I could sit in a chair in profile and scratch the top of my head,” wrote Coeur d’Alene’s Vicki Garvin. “But if I was queried about Bonners Ferry, I’d have to borrow a stovepipe hat.”
Business buzzwords ‘97: clockless, border-crossing, job vacuum, fireproof, getting traction, bandwidth, toxic and engagement. - from Hal Lancaster’s column in The Wall Street Journal
Today’s Slice question: How would TV’s “Frasier” be different if it were set in Spokane instead of Seattle?
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color Photo
MEMO: The Slice appears Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098. Have you ever seen people in Spokane air-kiss?