Do-It-All Principal
Tony Feldhausen
He’s unlike any principal I had growing up! Tony Feldhausen is principal of Southside Elementary in Bonner County, but don’t expect to find him sitting behind a desk looking important.
You’ll find him opening the door for students, welcoming them to school in the morning as they arrive and seeing them off to the buses in the afternoon. You’ll find him mopping up after boots that can never be wiped enough. You’ll find him repairing computers and other classroom equipment. You’ll find him on playground duty outside. He’s visible, accessible and available, and he does whatever needs to be done.
I’m sure he also handles a lot of administrative, principal-type things at his desk, but Mr. Feldhausen doesn’t let those responsibilities make him forget who he’s really there for - the students. And it makes a difference to the students, parents and staff. His involvement is felt in all aspects of life at Southside.
While he still commands the respect that is necessary for a school to function well, students do not know him simply as the ultimate school disciplinarian.
He jokes with the students, teases them, gets to know them. When one class started a postal system, Mr. Feldhausen quickly became a popular person to write to because he answered back without fail!
Southside Elementary has a family atmosphere. I believe Tony Feldhausen’s leadership has helped make it that way.
Becky Bennett of Cocolalla, Idaho