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Lcsc Graduate Commended For Academic, Campus Work

Susan Falck, Bonners Ferry, has graduated from Lewis-Clark State College’s Coeur d’Alene Campus and was presented with the Provost’s Award for academic achievement at an extended campus site.

Falck, a two-year member of the Ambasssadors honor society, maintained a 3.96 grade-point average and received an Ambassador’s Scholarship and was credited with being the driving force of the Student Organization of Social Work at the LCSC Coeur d’Alene campus.

She has been accepted into the master’s program in social work at Eastern Washington University.

Lakeland Junior High has selected the Students of the Month for April. The students and their grades are listed:

Melissa Montague, a ninth-grader and daughter of Ron and Core Montague of Post Falls; Rani Sutliff, an eighth-grader and daughter of Linda Sutliff of Athol; and Arminda Heinbaugh, a seventh-grader and daughter of Thomas and Jody Heinbaugh.

Students were selected based on activity involvement, academic success, interpersonal skills and citizenship and will receive a Lakeland Hawks sweatshirt donated by local businesses.

, DataTimes MEMO: Contact for Idaho Achievements is Sherry Adkins. Tell us about your achievements by writing to: Achievements, The Spokesman-Review, Suite 200, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. Pictures must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Contact for Idaho Achievements is Sherry Adkins. Tell us about your achievements by writing to: Achievements, The Spokesman-Review, Suite 200, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. Pictures must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.