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Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: If your grandchild or anyone you send a check to as a gift does not respond with a thank-you note, next time forget to sign the check. You’ll hear from them instantly. - Jean Baker, Colbert, Wash.

I bet you will! Thanks for giving us a laugh today! - Heloise

Dear Heloise: Four years ago, my husband suggested we make a toy box for children who visited our home so that they would not be bored.

We took a sturdy box and cut the top flaps off, then we wrapped it inside and out with kiddie paper. Then we bought small toys (for different age groups) such as cars, puzzles, coloring books, playing cards and dolls.

Now, when children visit, they are delighted and feel special, and they always find something in the toy box to enjoy. - Kathryn Dreux, Fairfax, Va.