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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

School’s Right: Parent Derelict In Duty Letter Of The Week From May 11

Regarding the 18-year-old girl who wasn’t allowed to take her 23-year-old boyfriend of four years to the prom because of his arrest record: The real issue here has nothing to do with the prom.

When Michelle was only a child of 14, her mother let her date? And a 19-year-old man, at that? And a jailbird, to boot?

Children of 14 do not have the sense a woman needs to take care of herself alone with a man in the first place. A girl should be at least 16.

She’s an honor student? I’m sure her mother says she trusts her daughter. I heard that before from a friend of mine who let her 12-year-old, honor-student, piano-prodigy daughter date a 16-year-old. Six months later, they caught him in bed with her, right down the hall from them, as she had left the window open for him and he crept in nightly.

Parents, use some common sense. Your daughters, no matter how old they look or act, are still merely children disguised as women. These older men aren’t dating your daughters for the girls’ brains. And even honor students can be stupid when it comes to love. Teresa T. Keene Spokane
