Winners In Festival Piano, Voice Divisions Announced
Piano Division:
Class 16, baroque, grades 4-6 certificate of award: Mark Schrag, Hoai-luu Nguyen and Kimberly Bair.
Class 46, quick study, lower intermediate - gold, certificate of award: Lisa Gonnella.
Class 4, solo, upper intermediate - silver, certificate of award: Alexandra Antonioli.
Class 40.3, contemporary, grade 6, - gold, certificate of award: Oliver Huang and Isaac Wendt. Silver, certificate of award: Adam Seaburg and Alexandra Antonioli. Certificate of award: Kassandra DeMaris, Jennifer Zilar, Nathan Fanning, Reece Ham, Alex Fern, Ben Doornink and Martin Kearney-Fischer.
Class 17, baroque, grades 7-8 - certificate of award: Yeon Hee Kim and Mary Doornink.
Class 6, solo, senior - gold, certificate of award: Oliver Huang. Silver, certificate of award: Natalya Litoshyk.
Class 51, sight reading, lower intermediate - certificate of award: Lee Padilla.
Class 58, open, grades 4-6 - certificate of award: Barbara Steele, Melissa Pharr, Kent Queener, Tom Banks and Nic Garrett.
Class 18, baroque, grades 9-12 - certificate of award: Jason Ouimette.
Class 48, quick study, junior - silver: Melissa Hainsworth.
Class 56, original composition, grades 7-college - gold, certificate of award: Tighe Stuart. Silver, certificate of award: Natalie Miller.
Class 40.1, contemporary, grade 4 - gold, certificate of award: Carl Cutler. Silver, certificate of award: MacKenzie Madsen. Certificate of award: Kelly Morton.
Class 53, sight reading, junior - gold, certificate of award: Jessica R. Kuo. Silver: Courtney Vuletich.
Voice Division:
Class 26A-B, musical theater, grades 11-12 - gold, superior: Christina Kingen. Silver, excellent: Katherine Frankhauser, Melissa Hawkins and Jane Nall.
, DataTimes