Dentists Want To Add More Parking
Two dentists who practice at 36th and Regal are asking the city to allow them to expand their building and add new parking spaces on lots along 36th Avenue.
Steven Crumb and Steven Bates are seeking a zone change for four lots on 36th Avenue.
The Lincoln Heights neighborhood plan calls for office and parking uses on the four residential lots immediately to the west of Regal, but the sites currently are zoned as residential.
If their application is approved, the dentists would add 1,750 square feet to their building and redesign the parking lot to increase its size from 18 to 29 spots. The dental building was built in 1984.
Parking spots on the street near the dental practice are frequently filled with cars, and the dentists are seeking the project to make parking easier for their patients, according to the city planning file.
City officials have asked the dentists to hold a public information meeting in the neighborhood before taking the request to the hearing examiner. The meeting has not been scheduled yet, according to the file.
Public works inspectors found that the existing parking lot was draining water into the city storm sewer system, which is not allowed under code.
Under the new development, the city would require the dentists to handle storm runoff on the site, probably with grassy depressions that act like temporary ponds and allow water to seep into the ground.
, DataTimes