School Levies On Tap In Rural Districts
Five school finance measures are on the ballot Tuesday in Lincoln and Stevens counties.
In Lincoln County, voters are asked to approve a $1.28 million bond measure for the Wilbur School District and special levies for the Davenport and Reardan-Edwall districts. The Wilbur bond measure would be used for a new roof, to convert the bus building to auto shop classrooms, to build a new bus garage and to provide technology improvements. The bonds would cost an estimated 83 cents per $1,000 of assessed value for up to 16 years.
The Davenport School District seeks a two-year, $520,000-a-year operating levy. The estimated cost is $3.96 per $1,000 in both 1998 and 1999.
The Reardan-Edwall School District - almost half of which is in Spokane County - is asking voters for a one-year, $162,000 special levy to purchase a double-wide portable classroom building for the high school and to fix the welding ventilation system in the school’s shop building. The estimated cost is 83 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.
In Stevens County, the Kettle Falls School District is proposing a six-year, $425,000 bond measure. The money would be used to fix the middle school’s leaky roof, put computer labs in the district’s three schools, improve athletic fields and provide new and replacement equipment, including furniture, band instruments and buses.
‘The Colville School District is seeking a two-year, $584,701-per-year operating levy that would cost an estimated $1.04 per $1,000 of assessed value in 1998 and 98 cents per $1,000 in 1999. , DataTimes