Wildly Successful Wildflower Hikes Are On Again
A new season for the wildly successful series of guided wildflower hikes begins next weekend sponsored by the Colville National Forest.
The program, founded five years ago, invites the public to walk through various forest areas featuring distinct groups of flora. The free trips are led by Forest Service botanists, biologists or other specialists.
The hikes range from easy to difficult. Participants bring their own daypacks, lunch, and water and gear their abilities to the appropriate outing.
Interest has swelled for the hikes, which originally attracted only a few dozen participants. The wet spring could enhance blooms of some wildflowers this summer.
Although the hikes begin next weekend, the series kicks off today with a Mother’s Day wildflower show at Woody’s American Grill in Colville.
The show, which features the native flora of the Colville National Forest, will be tended by forest botanist Kathy Ahlenslager during brunch between 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Wildflower walks
Following is the schedule for the Colville National Forest’s wildflower walks.
May 17, Cee Cee Ah Falls: Fairly difficult 4-mile hike with biologist along game trails to view 150-foot waterfall, then up to lookout site over Pend Oreille River Valley. Meet 9 a.m. at Newport Ranger Station. Info: (509) 447-7300.
May 17, Elk Creek Trail: Easy 2-mile walk into wildflower meadow with biologist near Sullivan Lake Ranger Station. Meet 10 a.m. at Elk Creek Trailhead in Mill Pond Historic Site east of Metaline Falls. Info: (509) 446-7500.
May 24, Wolf Trails: Easy 1.5-mile walk with ecologist to study forest succession along the Wolf Trails at edge of Newport. Meet 9 a.m. at Newport Ranger Station. Info: (509) 447-7300.
May 31, Wild edibles: Easy 1-mile walk with archeologist southeast of Republic to study food plants - once important to Native Americans - that grow in volcanic scabrock. Meet at noon at Republic Ranger Station. Info: (509) 775-3305.
June 7, Hoodoo Canyon: Fairly difficult 5-mile hike with botanist in canyon near Trout and Emerald lakes. Meet 9 a.m. at Kettle Falls Ranger Station. Info: (509) 738-6111.
June 7, Swan Lake: Easy 2-mile walk around Swan Lake. Meet 9 a.m. at Swan Lake Campground kitchen, 15 miles southwest of Republic off Scatter Creek Road. Info: (509) 775-3305.
July 12, Hall Mountain: Fairly difficult 4-mile hike with biologist to top of Hall Mountain, which is home to bighorn sheep as well as wildflowers. Meet 9 a.m. at Sullivan Lake Ranger Station. Info: (509) 446-7500.
July 12, Copper Butte: Difficult 9-mile hike up Midnight Ridge with silviculturist to explore ecological role of plants following Copper Butte forest fire. Meet 9:30 a.m. at Old Stage Trail trailhead of Lambert Creek Road, about 20 miles northeast of Republic. Info: (509) 775-3305.
July 19, Sherman Peak: Difficult 5-mile loop hike with botanist in area burned nine years ago, now featuring lupine and Indian paintbrush. Meet 8:30 a.m. at Kettle Crest trailhead on Sherman Pass off State Highway 20 east of Republic. Info: (509) 738-6111.
Oct. 4, Sherman Pass Drive: Easy twohour auto tour to enjoy fall colors near Sherman Pass. Meet 9 a.m. at Barney’s Junction (State Highway 395 and Highway 20), west of Kettle Falls. Info: (509) 738-6111.
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Photo
MEMO: This sidebar appeared with the story: BUDDING UPDATES Tap a national hotline for wildflower activities, including the Wenatchee National Forest and programs in Idaho, by calling (800) 354-4595. For updates on nature programs on the Colville National Forest, call (509) 684-7000 or check the Internet at www.fs.fed.us/cvnf/