Shoshone Medical Center
Faith Breann Travis 5 lb. 11 oz. girl, 18 inches, born May 6 to Traci and Eric, Kellogg. Grandparents, Larry Ackerman, Carol Ackerman, and Herb and Linda Travis.
Kootenai Medical Center
Taylor Renae Steele 7 lb. 12 oz. girl, 18 inches, born May 5 to Mary Schneider and Joshua Steele, Hayden. Grandparents, Cynthia and Arthur Schneider, Dan and Jackie Steele, and Howard and Becky Davis.
Christian Kade McGuire 4 lb. 9 oz. boy, 18 inches, born May 7 to Cherrish and John, Rathdrum. Brother, John; grandparents, Jennifer Elliott, Gerald Fultz, Victoria Pasco and John McGuire.
Cloey Katherine Estes 7 lb. 13 oz. girl, 21 inches, born May 7 to Michelle and Phil, Hayden. Grandparents, Maryann Schevenius, Cliff Darby, and Pat and Helen Estes.
Isabella Kaitlin Troccoli 6 lb. 1 oz. girl, 19 inches, born May 6 to Rachel Greco and David Troccoli. Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Naylor, Vernon Greco, Mr. and Mrs. J. Analovitch, and Tom Troccoli.
, DataTimes