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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idaho Records

Police Blotter

Kootenai County sheriff

Roger Hickey, Rathdrum, reported Wednesday the $1,119 theft of a chain saw, tools and miscellaneous items from his home on the 11700 block of Paradise Road.

William Dole, owner of Dole Farms, reported Wednesday the $10,592 theft of sprinkler couplings from his property on Beck Road.

Dan Selden, employee of Ross Point Water District, reported Monday $400 damage to a chain-link fence at a pump house on Highland Drive.

Jerome Pederson, Hayden, reported Monday the $430 theft of miscellaneous items from his home on the 25900 block of old U.S. Highway 95.

News of Record

Shoshone County

Civil judgments

Credit Bureau of Shoshone County Inc. vs. Joseph Welling, award of $1,890.

Kootenai County

Civil complaints

Alpine Lumber Supply Inc. vs. Timbertech Construction Inc., William Brown and Richard Cook, dba Timbertech Construction Inc., Donald Bennett, Carol Keller and Shirley Horrell Revocable Trust, seeking an amount to be proved in court.

Alpine Lumber Supply Inc. vs. Timbertech Construction Inc., William Brown and Richard Cook, dba Timbertech Construction, John and Betty Bonzey and Harbourton Mortgage Co., seeking an amount to be proved in court.

Civil judgments

American General Finance Inc. vs. Daren and Janet LaBolle, award of $12,826.

Divorces sought

Lori Pierce from Michael Pierce.

Everett Eisley from Mary Eisley.

, DataTimes