Add Rule of 80-20: Eighty percent of the furniture damage in college dormitories is done by 20 percent of the students.
Q. Are any primates completely carnivorous?
A. Only the tarsiers, those little round-headed, wide-eyed tree sleepers in the tropical rain forests of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. They’re about the size of your hand. Mostly, they eat birds, insects and small lizards.
Hardly a crossword puzzle worker alive knows that a crossword puzzle worker is a “cruciverbalist.”
When Sweden banned car horns, the traffic accident rate dropped appreciably. Explanations differ. Yours, please.
In gambling, women win more consistently than men. That’s common knowledge in casino cities. A lifelong observer of gaming tables says women are more methodical in the way they bet. Once they get their systems working, they seem less inclined than men to change their patterns on whim.
Q. What’s a good softball speed for a female pitcher?
A. About 70 mph.
Our Love and War man has a Proverbs file, too. One such from Germany: “No bed is big enough to hold three.”
Straighten out the coils of a French horn and you’ve got a tube instrument 22 feet long.