‘Madness At The Met’ Takes Stage On Friday
Clocktower Productions will present an evening of music and comedy in “Saturday Night Live” style on Friday. The performance will feature skits, comedy, interactive video and music by blues band Nobody Famous and vocalist Rebekah.
Comedians will include Nick Thiesen; Charlie Schmidt, who has appeared in numerous TV commercials; and Charlie Laborte, who has appeared on Showtime and HBO. Original scripts will include “Friday the 13th, Unplugged,” “Jason Rehabilitated” and “An Interview with Helen Chenoweth.”
Thiesen organized the show and rounded up comedic talent to bring to Spokane after doing similar shows in Seattle and Los Angeles. “There’s really not a lot of entertainment like this in Spokane,” says Thiesen.
“Madness at the Met,” sponsored by 98 KISS FM and the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Bingo Casino, will be at the Met, with the warm-up show at 7 p.m. and the feature show beginning at 8 p.m.
Tickets are $10 at all G&B Select-A-Seat outlets or call (800) 325-SEAT. The show is for ages 18 and over only.