New listings
Lindbergh All-School Reunion - Aug. 3, Terrace View Park, 24th and Blake; contact Lois Robinson, 922-8192.
Pilot Rock (Ore.) High School Classes of 1918-1948 - for all students who attended school, not just graduates, Aug. 16, Pilot Rock City Park; contact Shirley (Rasmussen) Michael, (541) 276-7505.
Marycliff High School Class of 1967 - picnic potluck, Aug. 3, 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Comstock Park; contact Marti (Miller) Breneman, 838-8415.
St. Martin’s (Lacey, Wash.) High School and College Classes 1937, 1947, 1957, 1967 and 1972 - Aug. 1-2, St. Martin’s College Campus, 5300 Pacific Ave., Lacey; contact St. Martin’s alumni relations, (800) 220-7722.
Troy, Mont. All-School Reunion - Aug. 1-3; contact Chuck Fisher, (509) 928-4202.
75th Anniversary of the Rainbow Girls - for former members and adult advisers, July 26, Yakima; contact 697-9166.
Silver Spurs Youth Dancers 50-Year Reunion - Aug. 1-3; contact 326-2793.
Minnehaha Pioneers - Sept. 14; contact Angelo Pizzillo, 467-5674, or Ray Diluzio, 467-8314.
Chewelah Jenkins Alumni Potluck Picnic - honoring 1947 Golden Grads, Aug. 17, 1 p.m., Chewelah Civic Center; contact Jo Safford, (509) 292-2526.
Garfield Apple Program - 20-year reunion of parents, teachers and students participating since 1976, planned for next Spring; call 326-2179.
Libby Junior High Classes of 1930-1945 - Today, picnic 11 a.m. at Franklin Park; contact 926-2597.
Marycliff High School Class of 1957 - Today at Patsy Clark’s Mansion; contact Charlotte Rainville Ulibarri, 325-3596 for reservations.
Deer Park High School Class of 1972 - July 25; contact Bonnie (Ziehnert) Hughes, 276-2532.
Colville Class of 1947 - July 25-27; contact Ruth Northrup Ray, 684-6051.
Selkirk High School (Ione, Wash.) Class of 1987 - July 25-26, Down River Days weekend in Metaline, Wash.; contact Lisa Enyeart, (509) 442-3202.