County Delays Sale Of Ligertown Complex
Bannock County authorities have delayed for up to 60 more days the auction of the 5-acre site, where 19 lions were shot after a number escaped in September 1995.
County commissioners said they hope to squeeze more money out of the auction of the site of the infamous Ligertown complex, that was originally to go on the block on Wednesday.
County lawyers are looking into water rights applicable to the tract, and commissioners hope to include costs associated with the transportation and upkeep of more than 20 African lions and 50 wolf hybrids that were removed from the ramshackle game farm after the escape.
The lions were taken to a humane center in Southern California while the wolf hybrids were sent to Roberts for safekeeping.
Commissioner Tom Katsilometes doubts the sale will bring even the $42,000 the county spent to raze the fractured cages and a run-down mobile home.
Owners Robert Fieber and Dotti Martin were convicted on nine counts of animal cruelty in 1996, but the case is under appeal. They are believed to live in Oregon now.