Space Available At Peer Ed Camp
Angie Martin had to do community service work for a school assignment so she signed up for a group that performs skits about issues affecting teens.
That was two years ago. Today, at 15, Martin’s still involved in PACE (Peers Advocating Communication and Empowerment) performing short plays dealing with topics such as drugs, sex and date rape.
She said she continued with the group because it was fun and a good way to get involved and meet people. In a couple of weeks, she’ll be traveling to Deer Lake for the first peer educators retreat.
Organizers of the retreat hope to inspire more teens to find the fun in peer education. They have extended the deadline for registering for the retreat until July 25, hoping more teens will sign up.
The retreat, at Camp Gifford in Deer Lake, is designed for students in grades 9-12 to learn about peer education groups in Spokane and how to become a peer educator.
The retreat costs $20. There is plenty of opportunity to meet new people and have fun. Scheduled activities include a scavenger hunt, water sports, team games, a disco dance and costume contest. For registration information call Jodi Porter at 324-1527.